Sellhub API
Sellhub API
Payment Plugins

This guide about payment plugins allows you to handle incoming webhooks from various payment gateway providers.

Handle Webhook

Handle an incoming webhook from a payment provider.

POST https://dash.sellhub.cx/api/paymentPlugins

Request Parameters

  • pluginName: string - The name of the payment plugin
  • storeId: string - The ID of the store

Request Body

The request body should contain the raw webhook payload as received from the payment provider.

Example request:

POST https://dash.sellhub.cx/api/paymentPlugins?pluginName=stripe&storeId=store_123
Content-Type: application/json

  "type": "checkout.session.completed",
  "data": {
    "object": {
      "client_reference_id": "85732252-bfa2-45ea-a87d-3e15781d0c29"

Lua Environment

When working with this API in Lua, the following features and functions are available:

  1. HTTP Requests: Use the fetch function for making HTTP requests.
  2. JSON Parsing: The dkjson library is built into the Lua environment.
  3. HMAC Signing: Use the hmacShaSign function for creating HMAC signatures.
  4. Logging: Use the insertLog function to log messages.

Available Lua Functions

-- HMAC Signing
hmacShaSign(secretKey: string, dataToSign: string, hash: string)
-- Logging
insertLog(description: string, type: string)
-- 'type' can be one of: 'info', 'error', 'warning'


Your Lua should process the webhook and return a response based on the payment plugin's handling of transaction. The response should include:

Required Response

The Invoice ID is required only if the status is pushInvoice or disputeInvoice.

  "status": "pushInvoice" | "disputeInvoice" | "ignore",
  "invoiceId": "string"
  • status: Indicates the action to be taken based on the webhook
  • invoiceId: The ID of the invoice (if applicable)

Based on the status, the API will perform one of the following actions:

  • pushInvoice: Complete the invoice
  • disputeInvoice: Mark the invoice as disputed
  • ignore: No action taken

The webhook will return the response along with the appropriate HTTP status code.

Testing Your Plugin

Before going live, thoroughly test your plugin:

  • Simulate webhooks to ensure webhook processes them correctly.
  • Test the checkout process to verify payments work as expected.
  • Confirm that invoices are updated correctly based on your plugin's responses.

Security Considerations

  • Securely store API keys and secrets for your payment provider.
  • Validate all incoming data in your Lua functions.
  • Implement proper error handling and logging.

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